
Rodentech - Entreprise de Dératisation, Désinsectisation et Désinfection

Pest control

Need an intervention as soon as possible

For 25 years, Rodentech has been an expert in providing safe and healthy living and working environments throughout Belgium

Rodentech - Entreprise de Dératisation, Désinsectisation et Désinfection

Expert rat removal company in Belgium

Rodentech is specialised in pest control for professionals and private individuals.

Call on our services now to get your home back to a healthy state.

Professional and fast pest control

Rats, Norway rats and other mice are pests that can damage your property and endanger your health or that of your pets. These rodents live mainly in sewers and roam around in garbage cans and dirty places. They are therefore vectors of many diseases. You should know that a rat that nibbles 20 grams of food in your pantry soils more than 250 with its paws, coat and feces. In addition to the dangers related to your health and that of your family, rodents attack everything in your home: electrical wires, insulation, etc. Rodents leave behind a lot of droppings. As soon as you notice the presence of excrement, it is important to involve our team as soon as possible.

Express deratting

A rat or mouse problem cannot wait, which is why we come to the address of your choice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Your health and tranquility are our main concerns.

How to get rid of rodents?

For deratization to be effective, several steps must be followed:

  • Diagnose the problem by identifying the pest
  • Implement an intervention plan
  • Getting rid of rodents with different means (poison trap etc…)
  • Block the various means of access for rodents to your living space or to areas to be protected
  • Do a check-up a few days or weeks later to check that the deratting has been effective

Pest control is a matter for experts

To avoid spending money on ineffective products or traps that are not suitable for your situation, using an expert pest control company will ensure rapid treatment.